A very successful business man once said, "I know that 50% of my advertising is successful I just don't know what 50%."
Axiron is a great product launch in many respects but aside from a lack of urgency to their offer they are offering a web address for viewers to go to rather than an 800 number to call for FREE information. I'd take the web address out of their TV ad and then put up unique 800 numbers for each TV station where they air the ad for ad tracking and the exact determination of profitability for each airing of the TV ad.
A web address is easy to put off going to because you remember the web address thus delaying the need to act now. People have good intentions but they get busy and put things off if they aren't put in a position to act urgently.
Axiron addresses an urgent problem that men with low testosterone want to solve. When Men with Low T hear the ads for this condition their ears pick up and they pay attention. Axiron really crushes other product launches with their FREE 30 day offer. Once you try this product your life changes.
Where they ( Ely Lilly, www.lilly.com) drop the ball is by not tracking the results of the TV ads they buy. There's no dedicated 800 number to each station they air their TV ads on.
If they started dedicating an exclusive 800 number to each TV station where they run their TV ads they'd know which 50% of their ad campaign is working and which TV ads aren't giving them at least a 6:1 gross sales to cost return on their ad dollars. They could run their business mathematically with far greater efficiency.
As it stands Axiron and Lilly are paying retail for their TV commercials so the chance the TV ads are paying out at 6:1 or higher ratio is ZERO. They have no ad tracking to see if their sales are at least a 6:1 multiple (gross sales versus ad cost ratio) and they won't really know their TV ads cost efficiency relative to sales for months.
Simply stated they are over paying for TV ads without measuring each stations cost efficiency relative to actual sales.
It would be easy for me to double ad effectiveness on this campaign and double profitability just with this change.
You need to track every ad cost, direct mail cost, and Internet cost in order to be effective in the direct to consumer medical device marketing, direct to consumer medical marketing and direct marketing medical devices.
written by Brad Richdale
copyright 2013
This story is discussed in detail at www.amazon.co.uk/Brad-Richdale/e/B00JGCDFM8 and responsive discussion and news at http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Self-Made+Multi-Millionaire,+Direct+Marketing+Expert+Brad+Richdale...-a019582605